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Connecting to the clusters

Connecting via ssh

The traditional way of interacting with a cluster is via a terminal, and Secure Shell (ssh) is the most common way of doing that.

To connect to Lotus cluster:

ssh username@

To connect to Lotus and run graphical applications:

ssh -X username@

To connect to Orchid cluster:

ssh username@

SSH Software

Linux: All Linux distributions come with an ssh client, so you don’t need to do anything. To use graphical applications, use the standard -X option, nothing extra needed.

Mac: ssh is installed by default, same as Linux. Run it from a terminal, same command as Linux. To run graphical applications, you need to install an X server (XQuartz).

Windows: You can use the PowerShell for ssh same as in Linux, or you need to install a ssh client yourself: PuTTY is the standard one. If you want to run graphical programs, you need an X server on Windows like MobaXterm.

Last update: 2021-08-30