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Getting Help

Use Ticketing System

**Raise a ticket with CC-Systems vertical at for asking help. Choose appropriate cluster. When facing a problem, spend few minutes on it before writing opening a ticket

Use the correct Subject "Problem" is not a useful subject, "Why is my job crashing?" is better. If you face a New problem, then you should open a New ticket You want to ask about the Same problem? Reopen old ticket and keep ticket number

Give us context Username (we can find it out but takes few minutes) Explicit paths (/cluster/home/myself/somepath) better than implicit paths ("you can find it in my home folder", ~/somepath) Which machine? Tell us about your environment Sometimes text better than screenshot Sometimes attachment better than screenshot

Formulate your question Tell us what you have tried. Has it ever worked? (If so, what has changed?) What are you trying to accomplish? Your ultimate goal, not current technical obstacle. What did you do? Be specific enough to be reproducible - copy and paste exact commands you run, exact output messages, scripts, inputs, etc. What do you need? Do you need a complete solution, pointers to get started, or should we say if it will take too long and we recommend you think of other solutions first? Has it stopped working? Has it ever worked? Does it always fail this way? Or only sometimes? Have you tried to isolate/simplify the problem? How?

And Remember there is a human being on the other side helping you

Last update: 2021-10-01